How do I register my child for Out of School Care?
Registrations are received by the School Secretary or Program Coordinator. Parents are asked to complete the registration form, sign the contract, and pay the registration fee before admission. Registrations are based on a first-come, first-served basis.
Age Eligibility
The program accepts children from 5-12 years of age.
Hours of Operation
The program will be in operation during regular school attendance days between the hours of 7:20 am to 8:20 am and 3:10 pm to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. There will be no program offered during holiday closures or Professional Development Days.
Pick-up and Drop-off
A parent or guardian is requested to accompany the child into the program daily, to ensure that a staff member is aware of the child's arrival. A parent/guardian of other authorized person must come in to the program, to receive their child at the close of the day. The child must be signed in and out by the person picking them up. Exceptions to this policy are made only for a school-age child whose parent has signed a “Release of Liability Form”. This form gives written consent for the child to travel to and/or from home and school unescorted.
No child shall be left in the program past their scheduled time. In the event that a child has not been picked up by their scheduled time, the supervisor will make every effort to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) or other designated adults, before calling the Department of Children's Services. If the parent is unable to get to the center before the required time, it is the parent's responsibility to notify staff, and make alternate arrangements to have their child picked up.